The library is fully equipped to meet the academic and research needs of law students and teachers. It provides a wide range of resources and services tailored to the law curriculum. Students have access to both legal and non-legal journals, as well as subject-specific reference materials, online programs, and services that enhance their understanding of the syllabus and facilitate continuous research. The college subscribes to leading international and national law journals, law reports, and magazines, ensuring that students have access to the latest legal information. Additionally, the library offers electronic resources and databases that can be accessed online. Apart from the law collection, the library boasts an extensive general collection covering diverse subjects such as literature, management, history, and philosophy. The books are meticulously organized using the latest Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme, enabling quick and easy retrieval. To further support students’ research needs, the library is automated using the Koha integrated library management system.

General Rules
- Access to the library is granted to students upon presentation of their valid student ID card of Adv. Balasaheb Apte College of Law.
- The student ID card is strictly non-transferable and should only be used by the individual to whom it is issued.
- It is strongly advised that students do not leave their personal belongings unattended at the Circulation Desk or in the Reading Hall.
- The library cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, or theft of personal property.
- All students are required to sign the Entrance Register upon entry to help maintain accurate library statistics for improved services.
- The library operates on a closed access system, where books and information can be obtained using the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).
- The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited within the library premises. Mobile phones should be switched off or set to silent mode. Failure to comply may result in penalties, including fines or temporary suspension from library access.
- Consumption of food and beverages, except for bottled water, is not allowed inside the library. Personal audio equipment should not be used. Photography, filming, videotaping, and audio recording are strictly prohibited.
- Users must comply with Copyright Regulations as posted near the photocopiers.
- Users are responsible for any materials borrowed on their library cards. In the event of damage or loss, users will be required to pay for the current cost of the borrowed items.
- The library is monitored by Closed Circuit Cameras for security purposes.
- If a student misplaces their Reading Ticket, they must immediately report it to the Librarian. A new ticket can be issued upon payment of Rs.50/-.
- Overdue charges will apply for late returns. For General Section books, the charge is Re.5/- per day. All items are subject to recall if requested by another library user.
- The library computer resources are intended for academic purposes only.
- Any violation of library rules will result in strict disciplinary action. Cooperation with library staff is appreciated for a better service experience.
Reference and Study Room Section Rules
- Books in the Reference Section, such as dictionaries, periodicals, university handbooks, and question papers, may be borrowed for reference within the library premises using the student’s identity card.
- Reference books must be returned at least half an hour before the library’s closing time.
- It is strictly prohibited to remove Reference Section books from the Library Hall.
- Current periodicals, past issues, and bound volumes of periodicals are available for reference use only. Students must return them to their designated spaces in the library.
- Upon returning borrowed books, students should ensure that they retrieve and verify their identity cards.
Library Timings
- The Reading Hall is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- The Circulation Counter operates from Monday to Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Library transactions, such as book issuance and returns, conclude half an hour before the library’s closing time.