LL.M. Admissions
- Schedule of Admission and Seat Break Up
- Fees for the First Year LL.M. for Academic Year 2024-25 is Rs. 48,000/-.
- Notice of Second Merit List – F.Y.LL.M.
- Second Merit List
Business Law
Criminal Law
- Notice of First Merit List – F.Y.LL.M.
- First Merit List
Business Law
Criminal Law
MERIT LIST A.Y. 2023-24
MERIT LISTS A.Y. 2022-23
Admission Form Links for LLM
Admission Forms for B.A.LL.B.
Prospectus for A.Y. 2024-25
The fees of the college for the courses of B.A.LL.B. (5 Years Law course) & Gen. LL.B. (3 Years law course) are to be declared by the Fees Regulating Authority, State of Maharashtra. The fee for the First Year of Five years course is Rs. 26500/‐ and for the Three years course is Rs. 33000/‐.
Fees must be paid in Full at the time of admission. No student will be permitted ordinarily, to appear for any of the University/College Examinations if he/ she has not paid the College/Examination fees for the year. Fees and other dues shall be payable as prescribed from time to time by the competent authorities.
Sr. No. | Class | Amount |
1 | FIRST YEAR B.A. LL.B. | Rs. 26500/- (including Examination Fees) |
2 | SECOND YEAR B.A. LL.B. | Rs. 26500/- (including Examination Fees) |
3 | THIRD YEAR B.A. LL.B. | Rs. 30000/- (including Examination Fees) |
4 | FOURTH YEAR B.A. LL.B. | Rs. 30000/- (including Examination Fees) |
5 | FIFTH YEAR B.A. LL.B. | Rs. 24000/- |
Sr. No. | Class | Amount |
1 | FIRST YEAR Gen./ LL.B. | Rs. 33000/- (including Examination Fees) |
2 | SECOND YEAR Gen./ LL.B. | Rs. 33000/- (including Examination Fees) |
3 | THIRD YEAR Gen./ LL.B. | Rs. 38000/- |
Payment of Fees:
Fees to be paid ONLINE (UPI/Debit or Credit Cards) through our college Admission Portal only. If online payment modes are not available with the student/parents then fees can be paid via Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favor of ‘ADV. BALASAHEB APTE COLLEGE OF LAW’. Fees payment in Cash shall not be accepted.

Eligibility for the admissions
The College follows eligibility criteria as specified by the Director of Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra in the Centralised Admission Process Brochure and University of Mumbai. Students are requested to refer to the website of the Government of Maharashtra , or the college website www.abalawcollege.edu.in or the college notice board from time to time for details and updates in the matter.
Students who have passed H.S.C. or equivalent or Degree examinations (prescribed in the pattern of 10+2+3) from any stream, with 45% or above marks and have obtained the required score in the MH-CET (Law) are eligible. However, the above percentage of marks shall be relaxed by 5% for candidates belonging to the Reserved Category. IB students have to submit the predicted grade and certificate of conversion of grades into percentage if their result is not declared at the time of submitting the form.
This criteria is subject to revision from time to time by the Centralised Admission Process of State of Maharashtra and University of Mumbai’s Enrolment Department.
Documents Required for Admission
Application forms (links) for 5 years and 3 years Law courses & prospectus are available on the college website. Forms duly filled online and must be submitted to the College office physically along with required documents as issued in the Admission Notices. Admissions for the First Year of both the Law courses are allotted by the Centralised Admission Process of the State of Maharashtra.
Students are required to confirm the admission in person by submitting the following certificates in original with the hard copy of filled online application form:-
- Allotment Letter issued by the State CET Cell duly signed by the Candidate. (for the CAP rounds only)
- CET Score card.
- Std. X Mark sheet & Passing Certificate (Original, One attested photocopy & Two Non Attested photocopies.)
- School Leaving Certificate (One attested photocopy & Two Non Attested photocopies.)
- Std. XI Mark sheet (Original, One attested photocopy & Two Non Attested photocopies.)
- Std. XII Mark sheet & Passing Certificate (Original, One attested photocopy & Two Non Attested photocopies.)
- Std. XII Leaving Certificate (Original, One attested photocopy & Two Non Attested photocopies.)
- Degree mark sheets (All Semester), Degree Passing Certificate, Degree Certificate- for 3 Year Course (Original, One attested photocopy & Two Non Attested photocopies.)
- Conversion Certificate of Grades in to Marks by College or as per proforma issued by the State CET Cell.
- Degree Transfer Certificate.
- If the student is from other than Maharashtra State Board, he/she should submit the following additional documents:-
- Original Migration Certificate from the Board/University which he/she passes the examination and an attested photocopy thereof.
- A copy of the Provisional Eligibility Certificate and Enrollment Registration Form from the University of Mumbai, duly signed.
- A Provisional Eligibility fee of Rs. 320/- to be paid online at the time of admission.
- Caste Certificate, Caste Validity Certificate, Non Creamy Layer Certificate if applicable. (Original, one attested photocopy & Two Non Attested photocopies.)
- Domicile Certificate/ Birth Certificate/ School Leaving Certificate mentioning Place of Birth.
- Two (2) recent passport size photographs. (One photograph to be affixed on the Admission Form)
- Foreign students seeking admissions should produce their passport & student’s visa at the time of admissions. Student on tourist visa will not be admitted to the college.
- Married female students should produce attested true photocopy of marriage certificate or in case of change of name, they should produce an affidavit and an attested true photocopy of gazette publication.
- Undertaking to attend a minimum of 75% of the total number of lectures held during each semester as per University Regulations.
- The Principal should be informed in writing about any change in the information submitted by the student in the admission form.
- If subsequently it is found out that any statement of the applicant is incorrect or false, his/her admission is liable to be cancelled without refund of fees.
- Students from Universities other than the University of Mumbai will be admitted provided that the examinations of the other Universities are considered equivalent and are subject to the provisions of eligibility conditions of the University of Mumbai.
(Important Note: – Original documents, along with the prescribed fees to be submitted as per the provisional admission schedule put up on the college notice board from time to time. Students shall be informed to submit additional documents to the college as and when required by the Department of Higher Education or University of Mumbai.)

- Students must attend lectures, practicals, tutorials, etc. as per the Time Table. They must not abstain themselves from classes, practicals, tutorials, examinations etc. without written permission of the Principal. Students whose attendance, progress in various tests and examinations is not satisfactory and who do not perform the required number of tutorials and / or practicals are likely to lose their terms. Students who do not submit compulsory project work in subject are likely to lose their term. Prolonged absence even on grounds of ill health may also lead to loss of terms. Defaulters will not be sent for University Examinations.
- Every Student must wear the Identity Card as long as he/she is on the College Campus. It must be produced by the student whenever demanded by a member of the teaching or non-teaching staff of the College. He/She must take proper care to avoid its misuse by other students and outsiders. In case the Identity Card is lost, the matter should be immediately reported to the Principal and an application should be made for a duplicate Identity Card which will be issued on payment of charges.
- No society or Association shall be formed in the College and no person should be invited in the College campus without the specific permission of the Principal. The Principal has a right to refuse such permission.
- All meetings, cultural programs, debates, elocutions, moot-court etc. organized on the College Premises must be held in presence of teaching staff members and with the prior permission of the Principal. The subjects of debates/elocutions/ moot-courts must have the prior approval of the Principal.
- Ragging is strictly condemned and prohibited in this college. The aggrieved students are requested to report the same to the Principal immediately to take speedy action. The guilty shall be dealt with harshly and severe action as demanded by the situation shall be taken against them as per the provisions of law and directions issued by the Courts.
- Students involved in malpractices at the College/University Examinations will not be admitted to the College.
- Students shall not do anything inside or outside the College that will interfere with the discipline of the College or tarnish the image of the College or of the other students.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited on the College Premises.
- If, for any reason, the continuance of the student in the College is found detrimental to the best interest of the College, the Principal either may ask the student to leave the College without assigning any reasons or refuse to admit the student for the next academic year; and decision will be final and binding on the student.
- Acts of Misbehavior, Misconduct, Indiscipline or Violation of the Rules of Discipline mentioned above are liable for one or more punishments as stated below:
- Warning to the student.
- Warning to the student as well as a letter to the parents.
- Imposition of a fine
- Denial of gymkhana, library, N. S. S., student aid or any other facility for a specified period or for the whole Term/Year.
- Cancellation of Terms.
- Refusal of admission in the next term or academic year.
- Cancellation of Admission.
- Expulsion from the College for a specified period.
- Rustication
The Rules and Regulations brought into force from time to time by the authorities of the college will be binding upon students.
It is mandatory for each student and his/her parent/guardian to submit an Online Undertaking at each Academic year vide University of Mumbai circular dated 10/11/2021 and UGC letter, D.O. No. F. 3-2/2021 (ARC), dated October 27, 2021.
Details Required for submitting Anti- Ragging Undertaking/ Affidavit:-
1) AISHE Code of the College is C 45192
2) Name of the Course – B.A.LL.B. (5 Year college) AND Gen. LL.B. (3 Year Course) – Type accordingly
3) Type of the Course – Under Graduate Degree
4) Registration/ Enrollment Number- Enter CET Registration Number (Can be found in CET Application Form)
5) Nearest Police Station-Dadar (W.), Mumbai
6) Name of the Principal :- Smt. Vaishali Gurav
7) Contact Number of the college- 9892445749
8) No. of Students – 120
To submit Undertaking/Affidavit click on below links:
ABC (Academic Bank of Credit)
Dear Students,
We would like to inform you that the University Grants Commission, New Delhi and University of Mumbai (Cir.No. DBoEE/ICF/2022-23/14) have introduced a new system called the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) starting from the current academic year, 2023-24. This implementation is in accordance with the National Educational Policy 2020, which aims to provide a flexible curriculum framework and facilitate academic mobility through a credit transfer mechanism.
To comply with this mandate, it is compulsory for all students to generate an ABC ID and submit it to the university. To create your ABC ID, please follow the steps outlined below:
- Step 1: Visit the official website (www.abc.gov.in) and navigate to the ABC ID generation portal.
- Step 2: Click on the “My Account” & then “Student”.
- Step 3: Sign up with your Digilocker Account. In case of non availability of Digilocker, kindly create a new ID using same Platform/Website.
- Step 4: On Successful Login, The ABC ID shall reflect on the Home screen.
- Step 5: Finally, submit a ABC ID in the Admission form while filling form online. Please note that Admission form will not be accepted without entering ABC ID.
We strongly urge all students to complete the process of generating their ABC IDs before filling Admission form. The ABC system offers numerous benefits and opportunities for academic growth, and it is essential for all students to actively participate.
For any queries or assistance regarding the ABC ID generation process, please contact the College administration office. Kindly refer this Link to generate ABC ID directly from Digilocker login.
Process of Transfer of Admission after First Year B.A.LL.B. & First Year Gen. LL.B.
Transfer of Admissions process after First year of both the courses is regulated by the State CET Cell, Maharashtra.
The process is as follows:-
- After the declaration of the results of the all the Universities, CET cell issues a Notice for Transfer of Admission.
- The candidates willing to change the institute have to follow the process and meet the dates prescribed by the notice.
- The Eligibility criteria mentioned in the Notice shall be matched by the candidate.
- After the Notice as per prescribed dates, student has to submit NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE issued by the previous Institute to the aspiring institute along with duly filled form, academic mark sheets/statements and other. No application shall be accepted after the prescribed dates.
- The received forms will be forwarded to State Cet Cell.
- The State CET Cell declares the list of on Admission Transfer approval or Rejection on their Website.
- The State CET Cell may facilitate such opportunity twice.